Thursday, March 6, 2008

Yeehaw, camping near sxsw

In a couple hours I will be on a plane from Midway en route to the great Texan state. As a person bitten with wanderlust, this must be my mid-west year. Barring any delays, I will arrive in Dallas, TX tonight. It's been a while since I've been to Texas. But you've got to love a state where there are restaurants on top of restaurants. I wont' be spending much time here though... only to rest and to take a shower...

Tomorrow morning, me and my college roommate, will be driving to Austin. A city definitely worth checking out, for the past week and for the next two weeks, the city is teeming with people.

Why? Because it's so cool? I'm sure it is, it's because of the annual SXSW festival. three festivals that abut each other--interactive, film, and music. Initially a music festival, this festival has grown in leaps and bounds over the past couple of years.

But, I may not partake. I will be about 20 miles outside of the festival. Away from the hubbub, I am going to go fishing, hiking, and communing with nature (it does have its benefits). We may go in, we may not. I'll report back after I get back sunday night.

Scratch that, i fly back and immediately drive to Jeff's place to watch the season finale of the wire.

Can life get any better?

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