Monday, April 21, 2008

Camping in Austin Day 1

I'm about a month behind on my travel blogging, so I apologize in advance. About a month ago, I flew down to Dallas to spend time catching with my college roommate BK. From Dallas we drove a couple hours to Austin. Coincidentally, SXSW was having its annual session.

In the end, we elected not to head into the city but stay in the outskirts. (Which I'm really glad we decided to do). Leaving Friday for Austin, camping nearby at Perdernales falls, and roughing it was definitely the way to go for two old friends catching up (yes, I do think I'm old... nights revolved around scotch and cigars).

Our first stop near Austin was Salt Lick. An old fashion bbq joint in the heart of Texas run by owner Hisako Roberts and her husband, the late Thurman Roberts. For 17.95 we treated ourselves to a hearty lunch/dinner. As usual, when faced with too much food, I gorged myself. As usual, I had trouble breathing after the meal.

After regaining my ability to take full breadths, we to the campsite to set things up. We had just enough time to set up shop and visit the falls before the sun left.

As darkness overtook our campsite we debated whether or not we should light a campfire (there was a burn ban). Being risk averse, I didn't want us to. Nothing like getting kicked out the first night. The most I was willing to do was to create a fake light fire with my camera and flashlight.

As we warmed ourselves up with single-malt scotch in the 40 degree weather, BK and I sat in the darkness and enjoyed the sea of stars that blanketed the sky.

You can see the rest of my pics here.

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