Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Yeh Code - The Secret of Motivational Speakers

While in NY this past weekend, I had the privilege to catch-up with a friend of mine. We've both moved out of DC to new cities to start new chapters of our lives. Amidst this change, its reassuring to know that there are some constants in life. As I've gotten to know DY, I've noticed that he is a highly principled individual. It is not to say it's anything as formal as Ghost Dog's samurai code, but I've noticed that he seems to live by a few guiding tenets.

Call it his personal ten commandments or a code, he lives deliberately. Not only does he have these "rules" thought out, he makes key decisions in life to link back to it. I remember when I was a about eight or so, I told myself that I would never lie again. Ahhh, youth... Unlike me, he has the remarkable ability to follow his own principles.

Be on the lookout Tony Robbins, Stephen Covey, Zig Ziglar, Deepak Chopra, James Arthur Ray... The Yeh Code is coming and there's a new speaker in town.

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