Saturday, December 22, 2007

What's the deal with helvetica?

So I recently watched Helvetica on my laptop (I love streaming movies from netflix). It's a documentary about the ubiquitious font type we all come to know. After watching the film, I couldn't stop seeing the font type screaming into my face. It's like when K pointed out the arrow in FedEx (in Helvetica, btw)--that's all that I could see.

I started to look at fonts a different way when I visited the Design Museum London back in 2006. Not only did I get to see the original Times New Roman font, but they also had an exhibit on redesign of the Guardian. Then and there I learned that fonts can help you convey meaning--like a well laid soundtrack in a film.

To that end, I was really excited to check out the film...The Chicagoist and a lot of the reviews went crazy over the film... It went broke box office records at the Gene Siskel Film Center here in Chicago... But honestly, I don't see what the fuss is all about

Don't get me wrong, it's a solid film--the structure and composition of the documentary explored not only the history of the sans-serif font, but it carefully showed the cyclical nature of society's embrace and rebellion against ideas and philosophies--but it didn't rattle me to the core like I expected. A great documentary reveals and changes your frame of thinking as the story develops. This film tried to give you all sides of the story, but didn't lead the viewer to discover the paradigm shift but rather told us another point of view.


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