Saturday, September 5, 2009

Joel Klein vs. New York City teachers [Rubber Room]

Interesting article about education in NYC and the Rubber Room. Joel Klein vs. New York City teachers:


David said...
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David said...

Finally made it through the article (damn the New Yorker and their well-articulated, thorough articles). What a mess. The flip side is that Arne Duncan's line of thinking is being adopted more and more, and the "race to the top" will give incentives to adopt his thinking (e.g. teacher pay for performance, etc.).

The great thing is that there ARE new teachers out there that are ready to fill the ranks. My sister just started Teach for America in rural Mississippi, and her determination and competence WILL make those kids succeed. There's a lot of other people out there like my sister. We just have to keep on getting the bad teachers out, and bringing the good ones in. Simple, right?